Splenda (Sucralose) is NOT Natural and Carries Significant Risks
Sucralose is an artificial sweetener discovered in 1976 and sold under the brand name Splenda.
Balance Your Underactive Thyroid Naturally
Basic Thyroid Information
What is the thyroid? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower front of the neck.
Babassu Oil
Babassu oil is an edible oil that comes from the fruit (called seeds or kernels) of the babassu palm tree endemic to Brazil, found mainly in the borders of Amazon forest.
Castor Oil Uses and Castor Oil Packs
Castor Oil has been used throughout the ages as a natural therapy.
How to Test Your Stomach Acid with Betaine HCl
Stomach Acid
Our stomach is very acidic by design. It is supposed to have a pH of 1 or 2, similar to battery acid to protect us from foreign invaders (bacteria, virus, fungus). -
How to Make an Anti-Aging Mocha
I love to make an anti-aging mocha using collagen powder. Unlike gelatin, hydrolyzed collagen is soluble in cold liquids as well as hot.
How to Make Bone Broth – Chicken Bone Broth
Basic Bone Broth Recipe
Save bones! Roast a whole chicken, then save the carcass and bones in the freezer.
DIY Hair Care Recipes with Essential Oils
Keep your locks as beautiful as ever with these DIY hair recipes!
DIY Dry Hair Spritz
If your hair is dull or naturally dry, spritz this recipe over your hair throughout the day to keep it