Methylene Blue Miracles – What you need to know.
Erin Chamerlik, MS
Read why Methylene Blue (MB) could be an easy way to boost health.
When is the best time to drink green tea?
Did you know?
Avoid drinking green tea one hour before or one hour after a meal.
Why? Drinking green tea inhibits the absorption of nutrients.
Modified Citrus Pectin
The most advanced and effective solution for health, aging and longevity—Clinically Researched Modified Citrus Pectin [Article Source]
Since 1995, clinically researched Modified Citrus
Signs and Symptoms – Low B12
Alzheimer’s, dementia, cognitive decline, memory loss?
MS and other neurological disorders?
Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder?
Autoimmune disease?
Selenium – benefits, dosage, sources
Selenium is essential in trace amounts. Avoid over consuming selenium because it is harmful in high amounts. The highest plant source of selenium can be found in wheat germ and Brazil Nuts.
Does Corn Oil Promote Cancer
Colin Champ, MD said, “studies in mice have shown that switching to corn oil, a common vegetable oil, actually results in increased colon cancer in comparison to trans fats.
Do Apricot Seeds Have Health Benefits and Anticancer Benefits?
The pit of the apricot contains apricot seeds, or kernels, which are the carrier of amygdalin.
Vitamin E Foods and Supplements
“If you’re not a fan of cancer, cardiovascular disease, early aging, and overall inflammation, then you want plenty of Vitamin E around.
Getting Your Vitamin D3 above 50 ng/mL can be Life Changing
One of the most powerful supplements you can take is Vitamin D3.
There are two ways that best support healthy Vitamin D3 levels.