Canola Oil…a pesticide?
The Active Ingredient in “Worry Free” Pesticidal Oil is Canola Oil
It makes me worry.
This Bug Killer is 96% Canola Oil
Canola oil and soybean oil are used as key active ingredients in pesticide products because they are extremely effective in killing bugs.
90% of canola oil on the market is genetically modified, I avoid eating it.
A few questions come to mind.
- Why is canola oil being passed off as healthy when it kills bugs.
- Why are they charging an arm and a leg for 32 ounces of canola oil? (Update: Worry Free brand changed their packaging, and their pesticides don’t specifically list canola oil, but the label says “98.6% other ingredients” so we need to use our imagination.)
One Quart of Worry Free Pesticidal Oil costs $15 online yet a quart of canola oil costs $2 at WalMart.
Same thing. Toxic.
There is no such thing as a canola plant.
Canola oil comes from Rapeseed.
Rapeseed naturally produces a toxin called erucic acid.
God never intended that we should eat rapeseed.
It has a toxin!
(Note: In the plant kingdom that means, “do not eat”)
Humans never wanted to eat canola oil
but it made a darn good machine lubricant for World War II. Rats! What to do with all that canola once the war was over?
Thanks to genetic wizardry we now have a variety that is “safer” to eat and a cash cow.
How Canola Oil is Made from Rapeseed
- Heat
- Refine with Hexane to get the crude oil
- Bleach
- Deodorize
- Feed the excess junk left over to farm CAFO animals
Uses for Canola Oil
- Lubricate chain saws and stuff
- Biofuels (its true, true, true)
- Candles
- Pesticides
- Lipstick
- Vaginal lubricants
- Ink
- Salad bar and food items prepared by Whole Foods and the rest of the world (“because its very versatile”)
Kerrygold has a Butter with Canola Oil!
Beware, it is hard to spot!
Mike Adams of NaturalNews said, just go ahead and use grocery store canola oil as a pesticide:
“We’ve tested it and it really works to kill bugs,” Adams says.
Just be sure to wear protective clothing.
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