Wear Your Cotton. Don’t Eat It.
Cotton Bread
Ever hear of that one?
I’ve heard of cotton mouth. It’s a medical condition or maybe it is a post-illegal drug experience as this young chap related, “Yeah the thing I always hate is that right after I smoke a bowl I always feel like I just ate a feathery cat.”
I’ve heard of cotton balls and the Cotton Bowl, cotton diapers and cotton vipers, but I can’t say I have heard of cotton bread. (Go get a glass of water, you’re thinking of feathery cats on your tongue.)
Should “the fabric of our lives” be an ingredient in our bread? I think not.
Can I digress for a moment and impress you with the fact that I have picked cotton in South Carolina? I was probably eight years old, running around some field I shouldn’t have been in, picking cotton. It hurt me. I didn’t like the experience, and I certainly never thought of plucking off the fluffy ball with seeds attached and plopping in my mouth.
That’s me in the orange windbreaker and thigh socks.
There are two types of cotton-food that I want you to run away from:
Cottonseed oil
Cottonseed fiber
Let’s start with cottonseed oil
(and if I’m boring you, and you eat bread, snacks and food bars, then quick scroll down to the ditty about cotton bread so you can avoid hurting yourself.)
God never wanted us to eat cotton parts.
Proof: He put gossypol in every part of the plant!
Gossypol is a toxic substance that keeps the plant insect- and disease-free. Animals feeding on any part of the cotton plant will die, often a sudden death because of the built-in, God-given gossypol.
Gossypol and infertility
In 1929 investigators found that men using crude cottonseed oil for cooking had low fertility rates.
What did investigators do with this information?
Cha Ching! They did a jig because they stumbled on a new male contraceptive! Only problem was, when the men stopped taking gossypol they remained infertile for over a year or more. [source][source]
No worries. Ever enterprising folks decided to re-market gossypol, the toxin from cottonseed, as an alternative to vasectomies! The World Health Organization is frowning on this, but work continues in other countries.
Even though these women were working fools, their efforts didn’t amount to one bag of cotton balls.
Let’s all thank old Eli and his cotton gin for making this job easier and for making cotton a very lucrative crop.
Eli didn’t like throwing away all the seeds and tried to think of ways to make more money. This problem with the seeds led to the invention in 1911 of Crisco, short for crystallized cottonseed oil. [source]
Question: So, how did this deadly toxin called gossypol (that causes infertility) get out of cottonseeds since nowadays we so gleefully eat boxes of factory food items made with cottonseed oil?
Answer: Processing and genetic modification.
Lots and lots of processing and playing with DNA. Think about the process to get cottonseed oil. Here’s a nice video of cotton from seed to plant to seed, filmed in Tennessee.
The modification takes the gossypol out of the seeds, but it is still in the rest of the plant. Think there is ever a possibility of contamination of seeds?
It is refined by heating, adding chemicals, separating out the crude oil and then magic happens to make this dark oily gunk into transparent, amber oil for food. After the magic, the oil is stinky and must be deodorized with some industrial process not fit for food.
Through all the shenanigans the gossypol was rendered “safe” (we hope).
Cottonseed oil (CSO) is third in popularity only behind the evil twins, soy oil and corn oil.
1 billion pounds of CSO are in use today and found in all kinds of processed food. It is used in everything from salad and cooking oil, to mayonnaise, chips, Froot Loops, Pringles, Coffee Mate, Granola Bars, Twinkies and bread.
Vegetable oils (not olive oil) are inflammatory oils. Inflammation is contributing to every disease we face. If you want to know what the four worst vegetable oils are for health, they are canola, cottonseed, soy and corn oil. These should be permanently marked off your shopping list unless you really want to cut your life short.
- They are causing inflammation
- They are genetically modified:
- Soy (91%)
- Cotton (71%)
- Canola (88%)
- Corn (85%)
As long as you are trying to get healthy, you’ll probably have to stop eating factory food since 75 – 80% of all foods sold in the US have GM ingredients.
You might not have cottonseed oil in your kitchen but it is in high demand among foodservice operators and snack food processors. Why? Follow the money. It is cheap, cheap, cheap. It is shelf stable.
Most cottonseed oil is genetically modified.
Oil pressed from cottonseed has long been used in such things as mayonnaise and salad dressing.
Here’s the bottom line: Avoid cottonseed oil because it is probably from genetically modified plants and it is a highly inflammatory oil. Cotton plants are not food and naturally contain toxins.
Wear your cotton. Don’t eat it.
Bottom Line
Eat Real Food. As close to the way it was created as possible. Meat, chicken, and eggs, from animals raised naturally on pasture. Wild caught fish. Fresh vegetables, fruit, seeds, and nuts grown without the addition of pesticides, herbicides or genetic modification. Natural fats like butter, raw coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil. Get my book and learn!
It can be so easy and you can be so healthy!

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