Eat well. Be well.

Essential Oils

Sleep Well! Essential Oils that help with sleep

Essential Oils that benefit sleep


I wasn’t sure what to do with this beauty when I first got it haha! And then quickly realized how wonderful it is to use for sleep support! I honestly think it smells like melting butter (and who doesn’t really love that, come on lol!) It’s calming and grounding and is a great oil to use particularly to support restlessness. So when you have trouble falling asleep or keep waking up at night, this is a great oil to reach for!


– has been used for centuries for insomnia

– supports stress

– calming and has a peaceful aroma


This is one of my FAVS!! Peace & Calming and Peace & Calming II are both such great oils. The beauty is in the name—and who doesn’t want that when they are hitting the sack at the end of the day? You can diffuse either before bedtime to create that quiet and relaxing atmosphere before putting the kiddos or yourself to bed or to help unwind at the end of a long day. Young Living also has a Peace & Calming roll-on you can easily snag for quick, convenient use!


– supports anxious feelings

– supports stress

– supports relaxation

– has been said to relieve insomnia

– full of oils that support happy emotions

– can help calm nerves


Ohh you guys. This roller is one of my nighttime favorites! It already comes in a perfect roller for you to put right on the bottoms of your feet or on your wrists and back of neck at night. It’s a combination of lavender, cedarwood and roman chamomile and it’s a DREAM. I love to put this on the bottoms of my feet as I start my nighttime routine—you know, washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc. Its warm, soothing scent brings all the relaxing vibes that I’m looking for as I get ready to head to bed!


– included oils support calming and relaxing feelings

– supports anxious feelings

– can balance the mind and body to get restful sleep

– no mess application via roll-on top


To put it bluntly, yall need this oil. Especially if you have kiddos! It is so so relaxing and peaceful and it already comes with carrier oil in the bottle as part of the Kidscents line—perfectly formulated for use on littles (although adults like it too!). Use or roll-on the bottoms of their little feet before bed or even down their spine!


– contains oils known for their calming and relaxing properties

– may help combat feelings of stress, anxiety and restlessness

– supports and encourages restful sleep

Isn’t this info amazing?! Eeeeppp! Stay tuned for tomorrow nights reveals! 😴

How to use essential oils for sleep

Apply to the bottoms of the feet before bed, or diffuse, or spritz your pillow case, or place a drop or two in the palm of your hand, rub hands together and inhale by cupping hands over nose and mouth.


Ohhh Lavender! This is an oil that many reach for when they think about sleep and with good reason! It’s a major calming oil and is such a great one to use for sleep support!

You can diffuse it at night, apply to the bottoms of your feet, rub it on your chest, neck and shoulders, take an Epsom salt bath with lavender oil before bed—there are so many ways to use this oil to promote quality sleep!


– helps balance the body

– helps with anxious feelings

– promotes mental clarity

– supports head tension

– helps us adapt to stress

Get Started with Essential Oils for Sleep

Please see all the details on the oils discussed here at this link.

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