Gallbladder Support (and what to do when you have no gallbladder)
Normally, when you have a gallbladder, bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until it is needed. Bile is secreted into the small intestine and is critical for digesting and absorbing fat. It helps emulsify fat and plays a role in the detoxification process.

Foods to support the liver and gallbladder
Adding foods like Apple Cider Vinegar, parsley, lemon/lime, cucumber, celery, cilantro, turmeric and ginger will support healthy bile flow and is useful for people without a gallbladder too.
If you don’t have a gallbladder, your liver continues to make bile but you don’t have a place to store it. Instead bile will continually trickle into your intestines, sometimes causing unwanted leaks and symptoms. Likely, you will have trouble digesting fats and may experience diarrhea, indigestion, nausea or bloating.
What to eat when you don’t have a gallbladder
The healing diet that I recommend for everyone is found in my book, The Reclaim Diet. It is important to remove grains, processed food and dairy from your diet.
Avoid industrial and processed oils found in processed food. Instead enjoy healthy fats, especially coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, nuts and seeds. Grassfed butter is a healthy fat to add as well.
A few key supplements will help support the liver and digestion:
- Liver support supplement (like Liver Detox or Liver-GI Detox)
- Ox Bile (start with 125mg)
- Digestive Enzymes (or a combo supplement that has Ox Bile and Digestive Enzymes in one capsule).
- Swedish Bitters
More information on all of these supplements is found in this post.
Liver Support Supplement
Take a good liver support supplement that has milk thistle, artichoke leaf and beet root. I like the supplement, Liver Detox.
Liver Detox combines milk thistle extract with a unique herb-enzyme blend to create a balanced botanical formula for the support of healthy liver function. This product also features glutathione, a potent free radical scavenger that also plays a critical role in maintaining the body’s normal elimination pathways. Nutrients such as N-acetyl cysteine and methionine are included to support the body’s own production of glutathione. Promotes Liver Health plus Comprehensive Detoxification Support.
Liver-GI Detox: Dual support for liver and gastrointestinal detoxification. The ingredients in this formula are combined to stimulate both liver and gastrointestinal detoxification.
- NAC N-acetyl-l-cysteine and alpha lipoic acid are antioxidants that boost tissue glutathione levels.
- The combined actions of curcumin and silymarin include enhancing phase II detoxification enzymes, supporting glutathione synthesis and promoting gastric, colon and liver cell functions.
- Sulforaphane, from broccoli sprout concentrate, is considered one of the most powerful inducers of phase II enzyme activity and has also demonstrated a role in maintaining healthy colon cell function.
- The amino acids glycine, taurine and methionine support detoxification pathways in the liver.
- L-Glutamine helps to maintain healthy intestinal integrity, ensuring proper nutrient utilization while limiting the amount of toxins that pass through the intestinal barrier.
- Artichoke extract aids the digestive process by promoting healthy bile flow and intestinal motility while also supporting hepatic cell function and blood flow in the liver.
- Chlorella, the most studied “green food”, is traditionally celebrated for its digestive, cleansing and blood purifying properties.
- Furthermore, it’s nutrient-rich matrix includes vitamins, minerals, protein, carotenoids, and flavone compounds.*
Ox Bile
Taking an ox bile supplement with meals can help individuals who no longer have a gallbladder. Take the ox bile supplement a few minutes before your meal. If you take too much and experience diarrhea, back down on the dosage.
Try Ox Bile 125mg to begin. Each capsule contains one quarter the amount of ox bile as Ox Bile, 500mg.
Derived from a bovine source and freeze-dried (lyophilized). Ox Bile is a suitable supplement to the liver’s production of bile.
Digest Enzymes
Enzymes are important in helping to digest fats, protein and starches. Taking digestive enzyme supplements with meals can aid in digestion of food.
EssentialZymes-4 and Ultimate Enzymes are two good options
Ultimate Enzymes is an advanced, full-spectrum blend of powerful enzymes that support digestion, the immune system, and functional balance throughout the entire body. It contains a robust blend of systemic enzymes that support the many processes in the body, and a comprehensive collection of digestive enzymes that help body break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Digestive Enzymes and Ox Bile are both helpful when taken with meals. For ease of use consider a combo supplement that includes Ox Bile and digestive enzymes in one capsule, like Enzymes-HCL.
- Digestive Enzymes to help aid Digestion.
A broad spectrum digestive enzyme can bring relief from indigestion, and help get the most out of our diet to promote good health. Protocol for Life Balance® Enzymes-HCL is a comprehensive digestive aid that supports healthy digestive function.
The specially balanced blend of 9 different enzymes can breakdown protein, carbohydrates, fat and fibre and help reduce bloating, indigestion, heartburn, gas, and other digestive disturbances.
Protocol for Life Balance® Enzymes-HCL is formulated to handle tougher digestive problems and larger, more complex meals.
The inclusion of Ox Bile improves fat breakdown, helping in cases of gall bladder insufficiency. Betaine HCl, Bromelain, Ox Bile, Pancreatin, and Papain optimize the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein to reduce gas and heartburn, and improve absorption of important health-supporting nutrients. Protocol for Life Balance® Enzymes-HCL is a top-selling product for one reason – because it works.
Swedish Bitters
Include Swedish bitters and eat bitter and sour foods. Swedish Bitters is a digestive herbal elixir. It helps stimulate bile flow and aid digestion. Follow directions on the bottle.
Swedish Bitters™ secret formula rediscovered. Lost for centuries, the secret herbal formula Swedish Bitters, created by Paracelsus in the 16th century, was rediscovered by a distinguished Austrian herbalist. Since then, NatureWorks® Swedish Bitters has won enthusiastic praise from millions of Europeans as the definitive herbal elixir.
NatureWorks Swedish Bitters is an artfully blended extract of selected herbs of unsurpassed quality. NatureWorks make the extract and analyze it in their laboratory to assure you of unquistionable purity and optimum potency. Swedish Bitters is the most remarkable traditional European herbal extract.
Suggested use: Adults and children over 15 years of age take 1-2 teaspoons daily for improved health and overall well being. For an exciting alternative way to take Swedish Bitters™, add ot a cup of herbal tea, like Chamomile or Peppermint, or to a glass of your favorite fruit juice. Shake well before using.
Read my article on Gallbladder health here.
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