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Health News

How to order antibiotics for emergency use in the future.

97% of antibiotics are made overseas. Today pharmacies are out of amoxicillin – but you can still get this and other antibiotics in this at-home emergency kit.

I use natural options but I also wanted to have a couple of emergency antibiotics on hand, you can get the kit here

Your consultation for an emergency supply of antibiotics with a physician is included.
If the physician determines that a prescription for antibiotics is appropriate and safe you will be shipped an antibiotic bundle by one of our partner pharmacies.

The emergency antibiotic supply bundle is curated by a team of physicians and clinical pharmacists. The challenge lies in providing as much coverage for various infections as possible while also considering safety and efficacy. The antibiotics included in your bundle meet those requirements. We have negotiated special pricing with our partner pharmacies and pass these savings on to you.

Is it legal to prescribe medications for emergency use?

“Yes, prescribing antibiotics or other medications to have on hand for future use in the event of travel or emergency is a common practice among providers. With modern telemedicine technology, we are able to provide this service to patients via online encounters while also complying with all governmental regulations. Our goal is to provide all patients the ability to prepare for their health and safety against the unexpected.”

I ordered from this trusted company.

Don’t Forget Powerful, Safe Essential Oils!

Are you prepared with NATURAL alternatives for your wellness cabinet?
You will want to get the starter kit of oils here: Starter Kit.
