Kris tried to do “clean eating” but would fall off the wagon and feel frustrated.
Stubborn health challenges had plagued Kris for a long time.

Kris described herself as “very overweight” and had a long list of health concerns:
- Fibromyalgia
- Rosacea
- Stress
- Heart Palpitations (her doctor did an EKG and said she was fine)
Kris just wanted to feel better and start turning the weight around.
By following my plan, she began eating flavorful, delicious foods that were more nutritious and more filling. Kris loved eating this way and began to see results.
As the months went along, Kris reported that she was feeling so much better. All of her symptoms were decreasing rapidly and her body was healing. She was dropping weight, and no longer felt inflamed. In just five months she lost 50 pounds without even thinking about calories.
By following my plan, Kris found out that she was reacting to certain foods. She began to eat nutritious foods that reduced inflammation in her body and in her skin. Discovering which foods she was sensitive to gave Kris key information that she needed to begin turning her chronic health problems around.
Are you ready to reclaim your health?