Chlorella promotes health and assists with Detox – Including Dioxins
What is chlorella?
Chlorella is a single-celled algae that gets its name from the Greek word “chloros” which means “green.” This deep green color is due to the high concentrations of chlorophyll present in chlorella. Chlorella has an entire well-balanced spectrum of minerals, vitamins, and proteins are why chlorella is often considered to be “the perfect food.”
Why do people take chlorella?
Because they want to support healthy nutrition with all the amazing properties and phytonutrients found in chlorella. Chlorella is effective at binding to toxins and helping flush them out of the body. Toxins like heavy metals (mercury, aluminum, fluoride, cadmium) and dioxins.
Many people also take chlorella to help support their body’s natural elimination of toxic elements. Its is very concerning that so many brands of chlorella contain many of those toxic elements at significant concentrations.
It only makes sense that if you want to eliminate toxic heavy metals from your body, you probably shouldn’t be eating them in your superfoods!
Health benefits of chlorella (from HealthRangerStore)
Supports healthy immune function – According to separate studies from Yonsei University in South Korea and Ryutsu Keizai University in Japan, chlorella contains a perfectly balanced ratio of protein, polysaccharides, antioxidants and other nutrients that can support optimal immune health. Additionally, chlorella was found to support your body’s natural production of antibodies that are crucial for your immune system.
Supports healthy cardiovascular function – Chlorella contains high levels of heart-healthy antioxidants and nutrients that can support healthy cardiovascular function and normal blood circulation. According to separate studies from the journal Frontiers in Nutrition and the Nutrition Journal, chlorella can help you maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels already within the normal range, respectively.
Supports healthy cognitive function – Chlorella is packed with healthy fats that your brain needs to stay sharp and function optimally. Chlorella is also naturally abundant in antioxidants that can protect your brain from oxidative damage and support overall cognitive health.
Supports healthy eye function – Chlorella contains high levels of zeaxanthin, lutein and alpha- and beta-carotene. These potent carotenoids possess powerful antioxidant properties that can help protect your eyes from oxidative damage and support healthy vision.
Supports healthy, glowing skin – According to a study that was published in the journal Clinical Laboratory, chlorella can help protect your skin against oxidative stress and support its optimal health. This is likely due to chlorella’s natural abundance of potent antioxidants, such as carotenoids and vitamins A, C and E.
Supports normal muscle recovery – According to a study that appeared in the European Journal of Nutrition, taking six grams of chlorella on a daily basis after intense training and exercise can be greatly beneficial in supporting your body’s natural healing process and normal muscle recovery.
Supports the body’s natural elimination of toxic elements – Since chlorophyll possesses potent cleansing properties, the regular consumption of chlorophyll-rich chlorella can support your body’s natural detoxification process and healthy liver function. These benefits have been confirmed by separate studies from The Journal of Toxicological Sciences and the Scientific World Journal.
Supports reasonable weight management plans – According to a study that was published in the journal Open Heart, the regular consumption of nutrient-dense chlorella can help you achieve your reasonable weight management goals when paired with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.
Make sure the chlorella you purchase is not contaminated with heavy metals
Clean Chlorella is the cleanest superfood on the planet, period. Mike Adams has personally tested over 1,000 foods, superfoods and nutritional supplements for heavy metals content (you can see some of the results now at Labs.NaturalNews.com) and he states that he has never found anything cleaner than Clean Chlorella™.
Nutritional Content of Chlorella
- Chlorophyll
- Inositol
- Niacin
- Folic Acid
- Vitamin C
- B6
- Vitamin E
- Carotene (beta and alpha)
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B1
- Pantothenic Acid
- Biotin
- Vitamin D (trace)
- Lutein
- Choline
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