Potatoes and Pomeranians
Which is Bigger?
You say potato, I say Watch Out!
I bought a bag of potatoes for the holidays a few years ago. I know my family well enough to not even try to sneak in faux-tatoes made from cauliflower at the big holiday meal.
Are baked potatoes really health food? Why are huge baked potatoes sold in restaurants as a delivery vehicle for a load of dairy (cheese, butter, sour cream)? Some folks think a spud is diet food — “I only had a baked potato for dinner.”
Watch out for front of package marketing.
This example shows a bag of potatoes I bought at Costco.
The package states, “Only 110 calories and 45% of the RDA for vitamin C.”
High in vitamin C?
Don’t get too excited, Skittles makes this claim too.
The US Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) is once again pitifully low, about 75 mg. This is the amount you need to keep your teeth from falling out due to scurvy.
The amount you need for optimal health is much higher, around 1,000 – 3,000mg/day and more when you are sick.
“Big Bakin’ Taters – 110 Calories”
“Great Taste – Slimmer Waist”
1 pound 3 ounces! That’s as much as this Pomeranian weighs.
Skip the big 418 calorie tater and pick up a Pomeranian instead.
There’s nothing that tastes as bland as a naked potato. About the slimmer waist claim – pack-o-lies! A white potato is loaded with starch that is converting immediately to sugar in your bloodstream.
Eating one of these Biggies dumps 23 tsp of sugar into your blood.
How is that going to slim your waist when most of it gets converted to fat?
How is that going to help you manage your blood sugar when God designed us to have just 1 tsp floating around at anytime.
Are potatoes banned forever?
No, but be reasonable, and think of it as eating a piece of cake, have a small serving and eat it rarely.
People don’t eat potatoes because they think they taste good. We like them because they are a vehicle for delivering fat. If you eat potatoes, be sure to eat them with lots of organic butter, bacon, sour cream and/or chili on top to slow the absorption of the sugar from the potato into your bloodstream.
Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are a great addition to your diet, but keep the serving size reasonable, maybe 1/2 a sweet potato or 1/2 cup with a meal. Read below for fabulous recipes.
Who buys the most potatoes?
McDonalds buys 3.42 billion pounds of potatoes a year, about 7.5% of the US potato crop.
Americans are eating about 30 pounds of French fries per year, 90% of which are sold through fast food chains. How much ketchup (with sugar) is consumed?

Large Fries from McDonalds: 500 calories and 55 grams of carbs converting into 14 tsp of sugar in your blood.
Ingredients: Potatoes, GMO Canola oil, Dextrose
If you want to have a potato occasionally, here’s what I recommend:
- Choose sweet potatoes and red-skinned new potatoes over white baking potatoes.
- Monitor the portion size and eat one-half cup or half of a small potato.
- Eat the potato with a meal containing animal protein, fat and two servings of colorful, low-starch vegetables.
- Top the potato with generous amounts of butter or coconut oil.
- Toppings can include chives, green onion, bacon, and broccoli, but skip the pasteurized cheese.
- Try “faux-tatoes” made from riced cauliflower.
Why Sweet Potatoes instead of White Potatoes
- More nutrients: Natural source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Manganese, B Vitamins, Potassium
- More fiber
- 1/2 cup sweet potato has about 13 grams of carbohydrate, similar to a white potato
Sweet Potato Recipes

Sweet Potato Skins
Sweet Potato Bread
Mash them and serve with Roast Beef

PaleoLeap.com has plenty of ideas for you:
“Ready to get a little fancier? Why not…
- Mash them (with roast beef)
- Braise them (with chicken)
- Scallop them (with Tex-Mex spices)
- Fry them (with healthy fat, not Frankenstein fryer oil)
- Puree them into soup
Stuff them (with bacon and shrimp)
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