Water Kefir
Water kefir is easy to make, providing an on-going source of probiotic fermented beverage options for you and your family.
Water Kefir Grains
Sugar water and organic kefir grains are used to produce water kefir.
- Water kefir grains are the SCOBY for fermenting sugar water into a fizzy product full of beneficial probiotics.
- Water kefir grains create a carbonated lacto-fermented beverage from sugar water.
- Incredibly easy to use!
- Water kefir makes a fantastic non-dairy alternative to milk kefir and can be flavored to make a range of delicious beverages.
Water Kefir
You can use coconut water or pure, filtered water (never tap water as chlorine and fluoride will kill your culture grains).
If using filtered water like reverse osmosis, you will want to add minerals like Concentrace Minerals – 1/4 tsp minerals in quart of filtered water.
Where to buy water kefir grains
- Purchasing dehydrated grains is the best way to procure your own water kefir grains, unless a friend will share some of theirs with you.
- Follow the package directions to rehydrate.
- It may take a few rounds of fermentation until the grains are fully “awake” and at their full potential.
- You will have about 1/4 cup of hydrated grains that will continue to grow if you keep feeding them and keep them at room temperature!
- Try this easy starter kit for water kefir grains that are shipped to you alive and fresh.
1/4 Cup Live, Fresh Organic Water Kefir Grains

Basic Recipe
- 1 quart of purified water
- 1/4 cup organic sugar
- 1/4 cup kefir grains. Two options, get alive and fresh kefir grains from a friend or purchase on-line: here’s a great starter set for you. Or, get live, dehydrated kefir grains from Cultures for Health!
- Optional flavoring can be added in the form of berries or lemon
- Cover loosely, keep on counter top for 24 – 48 hours or even 3 days
- Strain and reserve kefir grains for a new batch
- To a glass quart jar add purified water to nearly fill
- Stir in 1/4 cup organic sugar until dissolved
- Add 1/4 cup kefir grains, do not stir – Try Cultures for Health
- Cover with a paper towel or coffee filter, secure with rubber band
- Let sit on the counter to ferment.
- After 2 days, taste the kefir and look for bubbles. You may choose to continue to ferment another day.
- Strain kefir grains out as you transfer to stoppered glass bottles for the second ferment.
- At this point you may add a small amount of fruit, like 3 blueberries per bottle.
- Stopper the bottle and let sit on the counter for 1-2 days. Do not go beyond 3 days to avoid an “explosion” of water kefir!
- Refrigerate and enjoy your fizzy drink with probiotics!

How to keep kefir grains alive
- Keep grains in sugar water.
- Use 1/4 cup sugar and 1 quart water.
- Store for 24 to 48 hours between batches of making coconut water kefir.
- The sugar water will feed and refresh the kefir grains keeping them healthy for the long term.
- I prefer to use an organic coconut sugar. Honey is not recommended.
- Do not put the grains in the refrigerator!
Water kefir is a cultured drink made by adding kefir grains to coconut water, sugar water; it’s brimming with a host of nutrients and probiotics (a group of microorganisms that benefits the gut, heart, mental health, among others).
The live dehydrated water kefir grains from Cultures For Health are heirloom grains, meaning that they’ll not lose potency even if you were to re-use them many times; unlike conventional kefir starters, this heirloom water kefir grain has a structure that protects it from deteriorating over time; so you can use the same batch of heirloom grains to make water kefir with no loss in health benefits time and again.
Purchase Cultures for Health here or from Thrive Market (get 25% off your first order).

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